经过七个版本,glibc的risc-v port终于赶上 glibc 2.27的release了。目前的glibc包括 rv64imac/lp64, rv64G/lp64, 和 rv64imafdc/lp64d。glibc稳定后,将有助于 Debian 和 Fedora等软件的稳定。
UltraSoC最近开始提供RISC-V Trace IP用来让处理器内部的行为更加可视化。不仅如此,UltraSoC的IP还支持几乎所有能够找到的RISC-V CPU厂商。UltraSoC同时也是RISC-V相关标准的积极参与者。
Processor trace functionality allows the behavior of a program to be viewed in detail, instruction-by-instruction, and is a key requirement for system developers. The UltraSoC RISC-V trace encoder supports both 32 and 64-bit RISC-V designs and the IP block integrates smoothly with the rest of the UltraSoC portfolio, supporting open and industry standard architectures to put self-analytic capabilities at the heart of SoCs. UltraSoC’s embedded analytics supports design teams, helping to manage complexity and improving time to market, design costs, reliability, safety and security in applications from automotive to enterprise IT and the IoT.
Link: UltraSoC delivers industry’s first RISC-V processor trace IP
继幽灵漏洞被曝光后,RISC-V社区提出了一个进程间数据隔离的方案。 幽灵漏洞实际上是一个很难防御的问题。 一方面幽灵漏洞依赖于预测执行,而预测执行是高性能处理器不可或缺的特性之一。 另外,幽灵利用预测执行去访问本来不应访问的数据。 这里的数据很可能不受硬件保护,比如说攻击者和被攻击数据在同一个优先级。 但是软件保护则不太可能去阻止预测执行对数据的访问。 这便揭示了一个关键问题,现在的计算机系统缺少一种比页更细粒度的保护和隔离机制。
RISC-V社区提出的进程间数据隔离表即是为了这个目的而提出。 它建议使用一个类似页表的结构,构造一张平行的表。 在页表树的叶子节点,数据隔离表记录页内数据区间的权限标志和访问控制。 每一个页表项大小的隔离项可将一个页分为4个独立区间。 这样就将保护粒度降低到1/4页。
isolation is easy, sharing is hard. 隔离比较简单,但是共享却很难(简单隔离比较容易做到,但是考虑共享数据的隔离问题,就变得复杂了)。
The software problems are a lot harder, because most programming languages really like being able to share objects (whatever that means in the language), not page sized memory buffers, between components. 关于隔离的软件问题更加复杂。这是因为编程语言(程序)希望能共享类似对象的数据结构,而不是一个以页为单位的内存缓冲区。
It’s worth noting that the result from Mondrian Memory Protection was a clear statement that useful translation boundaries and useful protection boundaries rarely align. This is particularly apparent on modern systems, where superpages give a significant reduction in TLB pressure, but give you 2MB+ translations, which are far too large for any kind of fine-grained protection. 地址翻译和内存保护的边界往往不统一。这个问题在现代系统中更加突出。 比如说为了减少地址翻译对TLB的影响,现代系统倾向于给进程分配大页,而大页对于内存保护来说简直是太大了!
在RISC-V的硬件邮件列表中,Max Hayden Chiz详细讨论了如何为Rocket和BOOM添加硬件预取机制。 他给出了很多预取设计需要考虑的问题和大量的参考文献:
As for the L1 cache, the general belief in the modern literature is that it’s less important because an OoO core can generally hide the latency of an L1 miss.
在和Andrew Waterman讨论之后,Max准备先实现一个prefetch buffer,一个在一级和二级缓存之间的buffer,由一级缓存的miss来触发预取并存放数据。 当一级缓存miss时,则可以更快地从prefetch buffer读到数据。 这样设计的好处是预取模块暂时和其他模块没有直接联系,具有更好的模块性。
最近有人在征集可以用于硕士开题的关于RISC-V的点子。 于是这么一个脑洞清新的题目就被提出来了。 大概意思是,用两个in-order的处理器合并在一起做成一个OoO处理器,就能获得大多数OoO的性能。 具体的想法可以看这篇文章:http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~skadron/Papers/boyer_federation_taco.pdf
另外,有人也提出,可以做基于FPGA的TLB优化。 FPGA有大量的BRAM,但是CAM实现非常的消耗资源。 传统使用CAM来做associative的TLB在FPGA上性能不高。 但是我们可以用BRAM来做directly mapped缓存,使用其他方法(the nearly-associative memory from UPenn)提高directly mapped缓存的associativity,则性能就能匹配CAM设计的TLB。
在4.15 rc 的尾声,只有一个小变化。risc-v port 现在有个新的 mailing list 和git repo了。
在mailing list中,也已经有一些新的patch在讨论。像是:
RISC-V tokyo的文档公开了。许多公司像是 NSITEXE、Redhat 和 SHC 的演讲都很有趣,可以参考。
Link: RISC-V Day 2017 Tokyo
在最近的Verification Horizons Letter中,来自 Codasip 的 Marcela Zachariasova and Lubos Moravec 在这篇中介绍了他们公司使用的 Verification flow 和 他们的UVM架构。
Link: Automation and Reuse in RISC-V Verification Flow
RISC-V基金会市场委员会的副主席Ted Marena最近在Electronic Design上发表了一片科普软文,澄清了大众的一些常见的误区。
Link:11 Myths About the RISC-V ISA
Tiernan Ray在Barron’s上发表了一片简短的文章,讲述了他所看到的Nvidia和西部数据在RISC-V上的一些行动。
Patterson, and RISC-V, made a big splash a year ago, when he described work that had been done at Alphabet’s (GOOGL) Google to develop the so-called “tensor processing unit” for Google’s cloud computing operations. The TPU, which Patterson and his team claim can achieve vast improvements in performance and efficiency versus Intel and Nvidia chips, was itself a result of work on RISC-V, as I explained in an article last summer in Barron’s print magazine.
Link: Nvidia, Western Digital at Chips’ Frontier
Work includes the evaluation of security and suitability of up to 72 different RISC-V operating central processing units from eight individual SSITH teams.
The CPUs are designed to employ various system security methods and hardware design languages such as Bluespec, Chisel and System Verilog, Galois noted.
Galois’ Balancing Evaluation of System Security Properties with Industrial Needs project aims to measure hardware security protection with security metrics, methodology and framework.
BESSPIN will work to provide hardware security assurance capacities for CPU and semiconductor vendors, hardware manufacturers and DoD.
Link: Galois to Develop Hardware Security Tools, Methods Under DARPA Program
曾经参与过多个Intel重量级项目的VP Sunil Shenoy最近加盟了SiFive。相信其在Intel多年的经验会让SiFive内力大增。
Shenoy brings more than 30 years of technology experience to SiFive, holding 16 patents in microprocessor design, and working on or leading notable projects including the Intel PentiumTM 4 generation of microprocessors, highly integrated multi-core Intel XeonTM microprocessors for datacenter and enterprise servers,and the family of massively parallel Intel Xeon PhiTM microprocessors. During his time at Intel, Shenoy led silicon development teams consisting of several thousand engineers across the world, helping to bring products successfully to market. He also drove collaborative programs with major EDA vendors.
Link: SiFive Welcomes Former Intel Corporate VP to Executive Team
Codasip最近发布了其最新的设计工具Studio 7,这是一个用来快速定制处理器的工具。一些有趣的特性包括支持用一种叫做CodAL的语言来描述定制化的指令及扩展,在生成RTL和完整的SDK的同时也能够生成system verilog描述的UVM验证环境。
“Studio 7 is a big step forward for Codasip’s advanced processor creation technology, and will take the guesswork out of implementing the ever-expanding number of ISA options in the RISC-V specification. Studio can help generate processors well-suited to the widest range of application areas, from machine learning inference engines to host processor DSP offload, networking, and storage,” stated Karel Masařík, CEO and co-founder of Codasip. “With Studio 7, there is no need to settle for a one-size-fits-all processor.”
FOSDEM’18 2018年2月3-4日,FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting)将在比利时的布鲁塞尔举行。
PULP WORKSHOP AT HPCA2018 2018年2月25日,在维也纳的HPCA中,会有一场跟Pulp 有关的workshop。PULP小组会介绍PULP最新的发展,和他们未来的走向,包括 PULP-CAPI (Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface) 和 Ariane (Next generation of 64-bit RISC-V implementations)等。详情可参考 pulpino mailing list 中的 < PULP newsletter - 4Q2017 >。
Embedded World 2018 2018年2月27日,在德国 Nuremberg 的 Embedded world会有一整天跟risc-v有关的演讲。包括 Microsemi, Mentor Graphics等公司都会给演讲。AMD的CTO Mark Papermaster 也会给一个 Conference Keynote。
整理编集: 宋威、黄柏玮、郭雄飞
本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。